Because my website hates me….
What is it?
What foods contain GMO’s (Easy to remember the big four: Corn, Canola, Soy, Cottonseed.)
How did this all come about….
What do GMO’s do to your body?
-Non GMO shopping guide
-vote with your feet. This is consumer driven market. Money talks.
-USDA organic?
Videos you can check out to learn more! The World According to Monsanto The Dangers of Genetically Modified Foods, Lecture by Jeffery Smith How GMO Foods Alter Your Organ Functions Books & other stuff: Seeds of Deception, by Jeffery Smith LINK to the Non GMO shopping guide LINK to an Article by Action Bio on the scarcity of testing. LINK to the Article, “Nature Fight’s Back” aka superbugs Link to the Article, “Diabetes and High Fructose Corn Syrup” LINK to A Link for Texans! Eat Wild Texas Directive 21 Website
Downloads, PDF Files (Right Click and save-as to download!)
/files/0/8/7/4/3/244299-234780/Non_GMO_Shopping_Guide.pdf”>Non GMO Shopping Guide
/files/0/8/7/4/3/244299-234780/BTinpregnantwomen.pdf”>BT In Pregnant Women
/files/0/8/7/4/3/244299-234780/13Years20091126_FullReport.pdf”>13 Years, Full Report
Thanks for ruining “strawberries and cream” forever!!! 😛 Miss you guys!! @Kos1mo