DDO Cocktailhour Episode 74 What’s in a name?

Welcome to the 74th episode of DDO Cocktail Hour where we discuss the social aspects of Dungeons and Dragons Online!  Welcome Chai back to the show for a second date with Samius!  We have a ton of email and lots to talk about including our Summer Fling, the Crystal Cove, Swashbuckling, and BonnieBew sent in a great game of Would You Rather, DDO Addition!  Listen to find out what “How’s Your Father” really means in old timey speak!  Thanks so much for listening!  

Here is the link for the episode!  Just left click and play or right click and “save as” to download!


Intro:  Kobold Still Hates You!


Twitter Question?  

What are you taking for granted?  


DDO Cast guest what?



Lessah and Samius’ static group.  “The Summer Fling”  party wipe in the Chronoscope! Mass walk of shame!


Gen Con Party

Samius Says:  Open mic rant, commendations of valor


Forum:  DDO Party  by Cd!

Vote For Chai!  by Ungood


Bonnie Bew email of shame game!  

After dying during the first week of Summer Fling, I decided I had to write DDO CocktailHour an E-mail of Shame as part of my penance. Of course, then I promptly forgot about

it, because I have the attention span of a five year-old with a bag of Pixie Stix.

Since Lessah is hinting about making a new show this weekend, I’m scrambling to write this at the last second. It’s a gift!  


I don’t have any burning questions, so I’m offering up a round of “Would You Rather?“. You can only pick between the either/or options in the question – no adding in stuff!


1) Would you rather… gain the ability to ride horses and dinosaurs in DDO or dye armor and Warforged plating in DDO?

Dinosaurs in the Eberron Wiki

2) Would you rather… manage the torches in Crystal Cove, guard the line in Crystal Cove, or watch ‘Dance Moms’ before you do Crystal Cove one more friggin’ time?

3) Would you rather… play a Warlock class in DDO or Eberron’s Kalashtar race?


4) Would you rather… drink Trog Water or drink a Dirty Kobold?

5) Would you rather…be resistant to all poisons, or resistant to all diseases?


6) Would you rather… break all the boxes in a quest before Shesamius can lick them, or have your dog Janet break all of the boxes in a quest before Shesamius can lick them?


7) Would you rather…have DDO introduce Epic Sorrowdusk, or Epic Inspired Quarter?


8) Would you rather...have more quests added to the Searing Heights wilderness area or more available Druid PREs?


9) Would you rather… get half-assed Cocktail Hour E-mails of Shame or discuss Samius’s feelings about Armour Class again?


Group Discussion  

  • Listener Bill writes in and says: “With the last update the single weapon fighting feat was introduced. Why do you think that DDO placed the restriction on the feat of only using a buckler, orb or nothing in the off hand, why not allow all the shields? …what is your take on the new feat?”

Emails: SO MUCH EMAIL!  

  1. Sahba Jade double dip!  “When is the next show?”  “Live show at Gen Con would be great.”  

  2. Chris:

    1. Potency?

    2. Blade-forged Paladin?

    3. I <3 Samius.  

    4. Awesome character names  

  3. Bonnie Bew Double Dip!  Renaming!

  4. Epic fail email!  “Eshep”  “meet me at the STD”.  Most everyone figured out where to go.  I wonder if yall can figure out the tavern to which he was referring.”  


DDO Drink List


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Twitch Stream: Lessah101, SamiusGurobo

Bonus Material! 

Gen Con 2012 was a live show and just for fun, Samius and Lessah had their kids do the show intro!
HEREis what happened!

  1. Dervard says:

    Where do I click to play? Did you break it that completely Lessah or did you all just not really make a new show….

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