Welcome to the 91st episode of DDO Cocktail Hour where we discuss the social aspects of Dungeons and Dragons Online! Today we are talking about the value of learning from your mistakes! Listen to find out what the real plot of The Devil’s Gambit is! Thanks so much for listening!
Here is the link for the episode! Just left click and play or right click and “save as” to download!
powered by podcast garden Intro:
(super awkward transition) Speaking of…
Relic of the Sovereign Past as a movie.
Congrats to DDO Cast
Lessah and Samius interview, segments from Lessah and Clank!
Super Dungeons and A-holes – Mutants and Masterminds
Static group. Playdate! I need challenge ingredients!
Samius’ DDO Time. When does he get to play?
Samius needs a schedule!
Coffee mugs!
Lessah Permadeath Epic experiment continues. I capped at level 22, so I took 23 and now I’m working on getting as close as I can to the next cap. I try to get 10k each day so I don’t feel overburdened. Nice and easy.
Avenger 2 update: F! you Jerry
TV Talk!
Heroes Reborn
So much Anime. So so much.
Grey’s Anatomy. (Get back to me when they get a werewolf.)
Group Discussion:
Redeeming yourself after a failure.
Making sure the entire party is having fun. (Everyone has a job.)
Tempest Ranger? Is it worth it?
New Quests? It’s total fan service for Arretrekos “Rock Star” and the Devil’s Gambit is a lot of fun!