DDO Cocktail Hour Episode 95, Conspiracy Theory
Welcome to the 95th episode of DDO Cocktail Hour where we discuss the social aspects of Dungeons and Dragons Online! The team will jump into the power creep. Where does the End Game start anyway? The answer might surprise you. We also got the nod from the DDO Illuminati. (They exist!) And we get excited about the Risia Ice Games. Thanks so much for listening!
Here is the link for the episode! Just left click and play or right click and “save as” to download!
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- Shows coming back and starting wooo hoooo!
- What a great week for Superheroes!
- Terminator Genisys. (Emilia Clarke)
- John gets everything.
- John should not exist.
- Rank the Terminator movies
DDO Stuff
- Email, DDO Illuminati
- What did you get from Jester?
- Risia Ice Games
- Our static group.
- We need to think about Shroud flagging.
Group Discussion:
- Where does the end game start? Loot gen rocked my world, not really in a good way, I question my enjoyment of the game.
- Are the low levels boring for new players? (Conspiracy theory $$$)
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- Lessah@ddococktailhour.com
- Samius@ddococktailhour.com
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Twitch Stream: Lessah101, SamiusGurobo
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