DDO Cocktail Hour, Episode 14, Take off every Sig! (You know what you doing!)

Warning: Very little educational content is contained within this show! If you are looking for hard-hitting news, please refer our parent show: The DDO Cast.  Otherwise sit back, relax, grab your favorite cocktail whatever that might be, and enjoy as we explore the lighter side of Dungeons and Dragons Online, Eberron Unlimited!



This week, Lessah and Samius welcome Sig, “The Director of Online Operations” at Turbine to the show! In over 50 minutes, Lessah and Samius manage to NOT learn or teach anyone anything and the show quickly falls into drunken debauchery! (sorry in advance for occasional popping of our guest’s microphone) The team talks A LOT about television then and now as well as a few other things!  Thanks so much for listening! 


Click below to listen! 




What are you drinking?
What are you up to?
Lessah B-Day Surprise!
Samius kills Van Hemlock!
Twitter Samius: What season finale are you waiting for?
Twitter Lessah: What was your favorite cartoon series or movie as a kid?
Sig! He is 27 feet tall and bullet proof… but who is he really?
Forums? To troll or not to troll? That is the question!
Donations wanted to buy Sig and Tolero new mics
Samius overdoses on Ironman2 LINK    LINK    LINK
Sam Gilbey’s Ironman 2 Movie Poster
EMAILS! Something about a rogue and a necklace.
Outro& Toast


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  1. JakLee says:

    Can’t hardly wait to listen tomorrow!
    thx guys

  2. Clankenbeard says:

    Hey, JakeLeg! With all of the “It hurts my brain to hear the Clankenbeard song” and “My lawyers will be in touch” you have been e-mailing in, are you sure you should be listenening to this? Maybe you should try swimming in safer waters. There’s a lot of songs in this episode and there’s a small chance that one of them might implode your cerebrum. (Or at least put a twist on your medula oblongata.)

    Listen at your own risk! You have been warned. HIS NAME IS CLANKENBEARD. HE HAS A BIG WHITE BEARD…..©

  3. Samius says:

    You did a great job editing Lessah! And thanks again Sig for rocking the show.

  4. Lessah says:

    This has been one of my favorite shows!  I love talking old school cartoons and TV!  I about kicked myself listening… Henry the 8th had 6 wives… not 8 grrrrr.  Sorry about that!  I knew that.. I was just… drinking! 

  5. piraterose says:

    Lessah – there with you on The Last Unicorn.

    And sad to say my class actually did a dance recital routine to the theme song of Greatest American Hero. Which, by they way, I had to go to youtube to listen to the theme song because now it’s stuck in my head.

    But watching it reminded me of another “kids” show that needs a shout out – “Voyagers!” Nothing like flaming my childhood obsession with time travel!

  6. JakLee says:

    Ok, listened to the show today & loved it as usual. The sign of a good show is that it always leaves you wanting more. Just wanted to drop a few of my favorite shows that were not mentioned on the show in here for people.
    Paw Paw Bears
    The mighty heroes http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Mighty_Heroes
    Fire & Ice http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fire_and_Ice_(1983_film)
    Beastmaster (who doesn’t want trained ferrets)
    Ladyhawke (if you can ignore the bad 80s music)
    Buckaroo Banzai
    Also- another happy birthday for Lessah.
    keep up the good work guys

  7. JakLee says:

    Nothing in there I haven’t heard before Clanky – as for songs – try the guild music video – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=urNyg1ftMIU
    That thing is just as addictive!

  8. Jerry says:

    iPad! Neat. Hook Skype up on it and we’ll see if you can tape the show with us on it sometime…

    I used to have a large size toy Cylon doll as a kid in the early 80’s. It was battery powered so its singular eye could light up, had a little thing in the back of his head so you could move the eye back and forth in the helmet…also had a Cylon warship.

    The Dr. Who theme is my favorite theme song of all time.

    Favorite movie as a kid was either Star Wars or Krull…I loved the Last Unicorn as well. Tried watching it recently, though, was pretty hard to deal with the ELO (?) music?

    Super-win for playing the DM theme at the end!

    Thank you hopping time.


  9. JakLee says:

    in regards to your burnt toast below – have you seen Heywood?

  10. reorex says:

    Great show guys! and welcome back. I was having flashbacks to sat. mornings ad all the stuff I watched as a kid. super awesome.

    How much copper did clanky get from the tome give away? I can just see his greedy little hands awash in copper coins. lol

    Happy Birthday Lessah and thanks for the service you do for this country!

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