DDO Cocktail Hour Episode 97, Topless Friday

Welcome to the 97th episode of DDO Cocktail Hour where we discuss the social aspects of Dungeons and Dragons Online!  We are talking about getting things back into shape both in game and out!  It’s really hard to get the cardio done while you are streaming video and doing slayers in the Vale of Twilight!  How does Samius manage it?  Thanks so much for listening!  


Here is the link for the episode!  Just left click and play or right click and “save as” to download!

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  • What are you wearing?  
  • New Stream, Role Play for the DDO Live Stream (Tuesdays 10am Eastern)  
  • What days does Samius Stream DDO?  
  • We are headed back to Korthos, you can join us for the summer!  

DDO Stuff

  • Litany of the Dead, it was fun while it lasted… we are shroud flagging?  
  • Fey Buckler build update  (Warlock Bard)  
  • Damsels are doing Gnomes on Tuesday.  
  • Samius wants a better boat.  
  • What did Samius pick as his anniversary reward?  
  • Forgotten Realms therapy.  
    • Samius’ 5th edition artificer

Group Discussion:  

  • Story from Samius? Who knew going to the gym was so hard?  
  • TR Project, Epic Completionist on Argo.  
    • Lessah hasn’t just joined a Permadeath guild, it’s also a cult!
  • Samius doesn’t like crazy rules!  
  • I ransack things on Argo.  
    • I am supposed to PUG, but can’t always find a group at my time.  
  • Javabot update?  


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Twitch Stream: Lessah101, SamiusGurobo   


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