DDO Cocktailhour Episode 98, Taking Advice

Welcome to the 98th episode of DDO Cocktail Hour where we discuss the social aspects of Dungeons and Dragons Online!   We talk about the TR Trek we are doing this summer, and you can join us from level 1 on Sarlona!  We also talk about mixing up builds a bit for survive-ability and taking advice.  The Friendly Necromancer also checks in with great a review of The Devil’s Gambit!  Don’t miss this show, because I have a great fight with Samius Gurobo about Wonder Woman!  Thanks so much for listening!  


Here is the link for the episode!  Just left click and play or right click and “save as” to download!

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  • The TV’s!  
  • What happened to the beanie?   
  • Video streaming and you.  Samius needs a skincare routine.  
    • See Patrick Shamgar.  His skin looks baby smooth.  
    • Gyming and getting swoll, Samius’ crossfit is mad legit bruh!  
    • Game
  • We are headed back to Korthos, you can join us for the summer!  
    • Fridays at 12:30 cst on Sarlona.  We will start at level one on Korthos Island.  Play whatever you feel like playing.  I’m a ranger, Samius is a ….
    • Join cthlive channel and ping us to join the group!  That starts next week!  
      • Rules we play by:  
        • Pots and scrolls, you cannot carry more than your character level.  
        • Your bank, TR Cache, Guild Chest ok to use!  Guild Buffs ok to use!  
        • No Auction House or vendors for gear.  Play with what you find!  Trust us, this is a really fun way to do a TR!  
          • Suggestions from the listeners!  


DDO Stuff

  • Friendly Necromancer did a review of Devil’s Gambit, He sent it to us, Suck it DDO Cast!  
    • He has a blog!  You should look at it, but not at work, because there is something that autoplays!  
  • Samius will be on the DDOCast…this weekend?  
    • He also has a blog!  SamiusGurobo.com Go see it!  
  • Javabot update?  
    • Ranger/ Artificer/ Wizard?  

Group Discussion:  

  • Taking advice.  
    • Shut off your Hubris!  

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Twitch Stream: Lessah101, SamiusGurobo   


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